Excitedly Preparing to Speak at Medium Day 2024
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Excitedly Preparing to Speak at Medium Day 2024

I’m both excited and anxious to speak this week at Medium Day 2024. I have been writing weekly articles on Medium and the BabyMoon Family website for over a year, and this will be the chance to share some of those ideas and the vision for BabyMoon Family as a queer intended parent matching platform and community.

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Let’s Talk About ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Let’s Talk About ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

My husband and I are about to make embryos, and our clinic will be using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) as the procedure for fertilizing the eggs with our sperm. Because of that, I wanted to do a review of ICSI, covering what it is, how it works, who is it for, and how this all measures up with our own reproductive journey.

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