5 Inspirational Quotes and Stories about IVF and Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

5 Inspirational Quotes and Stories about IVF and Surrogacy

In the last year of researching and writing about IVF and surrogacy, I have come across many inspirational stories. This article highlights five quotes from incredible stories of love, chosen family, and progress for assisted reproduction all over the world.

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BabyMoon Family Stories:  Rachelle Myers-Nelson’s Surrogacy Journeys with Gay Men and Building Her Chosen Family
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

BabyMoon Family Stories:  Rachelle Myers-Nelson’s Surrogacy Journeys with Gay Men and Building Her Chosen Family

Welcome to BabyMoon Family Stories, where I interview someone and discuss their experience with assisted reproductive technology (ART). In this first article, I interview Rachelle Myers-Nelson, who has been a gestational carrier (GC) for four journeys, two of which were for twins. Rachelle has always worked with gay intended fathers, and read more to learn about why she chose this path and how she has expanded her ‘chosen family’ through gestational surrogacy.

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