Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Are Gestational Carriers at Increased Risk of Pregnancy Complications?

As a physician, clinical research, and intended gay dad, I am thrilled whenever there is a new study on gestational carriers (GCs). However, sometimes news articles sensationalize medical results, taking the conclusions out of context. In this article, I want to review a recent study on medical complications in GC pregnancies to highlight what the study results are actually showing, and what we can learn from this research.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Gender Roles, Gay Parents, and the Impact on Children

Gender roles are modeled by parents and have a significant impact on children and how they navigate their world for their entire life. Gender roles in straight and gay couples are different. How does this difference affect parenting roles and responsibilities and impact their children, and what dynamic is best for children?

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: Gay Parents are Better than Straight Parents

New scientific research shows that gay parents outperform straight parents in terms of health and well-being of the children, coparenting, and the overall dynamics of the family. In our first BabyMoon Family journal club, I review the study in this article.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

How Close are We to Becoming ‘The Pod Generation’ and How Would This Affect Queer Intended Dads?

The ‘Pod Generation’ is a movie that dives into the not-to-distant future to explore what it would be like to have a child through an artificial womb, or pod. How close are we to this technology? In this article, I dive into the most recent science to see when (not if, because they will be developed) artificial wombs would become a reality. It’s an amazing field of research, and artificial wombs would be a game changer for queer men having babies.

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