What if Cis, Queer Men Could Get Pregnant and Carry Their Own Babies?
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

What if Cis, Queer Men Could Get Pregnant and Carry Their Own Babies?

It’s been a decade since the first human uterus transplantation that resulted in a successful pregnancy and delivery. Since that time, science has progressed, and researchers have begun discussions about how to approach uterine transplantation (UTx) for transgender women. If transgender women could then get pregnant and carry their own children, what about cis, queer men such as myself? The scientific and ethical implications are discussed in this article.

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5 Inspirational Quotes and Stories about IVF and Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

5 Inspirational Quotes and Stories about IVF and Surrogacy

In the last year of researching and writing about IVF and surrogacy, I have come across many inspirational stories. This article highlights five quotes from incredible stories of love, chosen family, and progress for assisted reproduction all over the world.

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