Procreative Consciousness and Family Planning of Swedish Queer Men
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Procreative Consciousness and Family Planning of Swedish Queer Men

‘Procreative consciousness’ is the state of mental preparedness that queer men have to achieve before actually planning for fatherhood. This article dives into the procreative consciousness of queer Swedish men and their non-linear journeys to fatherhood, as discussed in a research publication from 2020. Surrogacy in Sweden is not permitted. The discussion of how this impacts queer men, the influence of the Swedish and international media on surrogacy, and the role that BabyMoon Family can plan in helping queer men in Sweden and across Europe pursue their dreams of rainbow families are all discussed.

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How to Have an Ethical Surrogacy Journey Outside the United States
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

How to Have an Ethical Surrogacy Journey Outside the United States

Due to financial considerations, more and more queer men are opting to pursue IVF and surrogacy outside the United States. In this article, I describe what I consider to be the minimum requirements for any journey to be considered ethical. My hope is that this can help queer men navigate their options and pursue an ethical journey in any country.

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