Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Anticipation for ‘The Modern Family Show’ in London

This weekend, I am thrilled to be attending ‘The Modern Family Show’ in London, which is a unique conference that offers educational content on all types of rainbow family creation. Some of the topics include: In vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), surrogacy, fostering, co-parenting, fertility preservation, solo parenting, and egg/sperm donation. If you are interested in attending, read more and use the BabyMoon Family discount link in the article. I hope to see you there!

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Mattachine Family: The Rainbow Family Movie Everyone Must See

The Mattachine Family is a new queer classic film. It addresses the intricacies and challenges of queer people starting rainbow families in a beautiful and engaging way. While I have critiques regarding how surrogacy for queer men is portrayed, I believe this is an incredible film that every LGBTQ+ person considering staring a family should see and enjoy.

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