Are Gestational Carriers at Increased Risk of Pregnancy Complications?
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Are Gestational Carriers at Increased Risk of Pregnancy Complications?

As a physician, clinical research, and intended gay dad, I am thrilled whenever there is a new study on gestational carriers (GCs). However, sometimes news articles sensationalize medical results, taking the conclusions out of context. In this article, I want to review a recent study on medical complications in GC pregnancies to highlight what the study results are actually showing, and what we can learn from this research.

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Should a Country’s Maternal Mortality Rates Impact Selection for an International Gestational Surrogacy Journey?
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Should a Country’s Maternal Mortality Rates Impact Selection for an International Gestational Surrogacy Journey?

Choosing where to embark on an international gestational surrogacy journey is challenging. There are many factors to consider in order to ensure an ethical journey. One factor could be the maternal mortality rate (MMR) of a country. In this article, I review the latest World Health Organization (WHO) and U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) MMR data and compare different destinations. The results may be surprising and should possibly factor into your decision on where to have your surrogacy journey.

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5 Inspirational Quotes and Stories about IVF and Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

5 Inspirational Quotes and Stories about IVF and Surrogacy

In the last year of researching and writing about IVF and surrogacy, I have come across many inspirational stories. This article highlights five quotes from incredible stories of love, chosen family, and progress for assisted reproduction all over the world.

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Introduction to Surrogacy for Queer Men
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Introduction to Surrogacy for Queer Men

The BabyMoon Family’s version of ‘Surrogacy 101.’ An overview of IVF and surrogacy for queer men, answering questions like ‘What is Surrogacy?’ ‘Where to Go Through Surrogacy?’ and ‘How to Go Through Surrogacy?’ Start your own journey to fatherhood as a queer man here.

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BabyMoon Family Stories:  Rachelle Myers-Nelson’s Surrogacy Journeys with Gay Men and Building Her Chosen Family
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

BabyMoon Family Stories:  Rachelle Myers-Nelson’s Surrogacy Journeys with Gay Men and Building Her Chosen Family

Welcome to BabyMoon Family Stories, where I interview someone and discuss their experience with assisted reproductive technology (ART). In this first article, I interview Rachelle Myers-Nelson, who has been a gestational carrier (GC) for four journeys, two of which were for twins. Rachelle has always worked with gay intended fathers, and read more to learn about why she chose this path and how she has expanded her ‘chosen family’ through gestational surrogacy.

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Science Says: International Gestational Surrogacy in the United States is Increasing
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: International Gestational Surrogacy in the United States is Increasing

In this third installment of the BabyMoon Family Journal Club, we review a recently published study on the trend of international intended parents (IPs) working with gestational carriers (GCs) in the United States between 2014 and 2020. What are the demographics of these international IPs? What does their journey look like compared to domestic IPs? What countries are they coming from? These are some of the interesting questions that are answered and discussed in this manuscript review.

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