Not Every Income Situation Has U.S. Surrogacy as an Option
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Not Every Income Situation Has U.S. Surrogacy as an Option

More queer men are turning to IVF and surrogacy abroad. Why? Largely the prohibitive cost of the procedures and journey in the United States. So what are the costs abroad for queer intended dads? What is the future of international IVF and surrogacy for queer fathers? Read more to find out.

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Thailand is Reopening for International Surrogacy and Could Set a Precedent for Other Countries
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Thailand is Reopening for International Surrogacy and Could Set a Precedent for Other Countries

Since 2015, Thailand has banned all international surrogacy arrangements and had very strict regulations on domestic surrogacy for Thai couples. The country is proposing a first-of-its-kind legislation to reopen the country to international intended parents, including queer couples. This could set an interesting precedent for other previously popular surrogacy countries like India and Georgia who also now have international bans in place. Read more to learn the details of the proposed Thai legislation and what it could mean for queer intended fathers all over the world.

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Science Says: International Gestational Surrogacy in the United States is Increasing
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: International Gestational Surrogacy in the United States is Increasing

In this third installment of the BabyMoon Family Journal Club, we review a recently published study on the trend of international intended parents (IPs) working with gestational carriers (GCs) in the United States between 2014 and 2020. What are the demographics of these international IPs? What does their journey look like compared to domestic IPs? What countries are they coming from? These are some of the interesting questions that are answered and discussed in this manuscript review.

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Ireland is Taking a Modern Regulatory Approach to International Surrogacy and the European Union Should Take Note
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Ireland is Taking a Modern Regulatory Approach to International Surrogacy and the European Union Should Take Note

Ireland is working to propose a new piece of legislation that will regulate international surrogacy for Irish IPs. These recommendations come from the Irish Joint Committee on International Surrogacy, and in this article, I will review the positive and challenging aspects of the recommendations, as well as discuss the potential implications for international surrogacy in Ireland, the EU, and the world.

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Navigating and Negotiating a U.S. Hospital Bill for International Intended Parents
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Navigating and Negotiating a U.S. Hospital Bill for International Intended Parents

Many international intended parents (IPs) pay their hospital bill for their newborn in the United States with cash. What can they expect the bill to cost? How do they navigate the bill and negotiate with the hospital? Are there resources to help with this process? All this and more in this original BabyMoon Family article.

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