The Mattachine Family:  The Rainbow Family Movie Everyone Must See
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Mattachine Family:  The Rainbow Family Movie Everyone Must See

The Mattachine Family is a new queer classic film. It addresses the intricacies and challenges of queer people starting rainbow families in a beautiful and engaging way. While I have critiques regarding how surrogacy for queer men is portrayed, I believe this is an incredible film that every LGBTQ+ person considering staring a family should see and enjoy.

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Science Says:  Gay Dads are Close to their Adult Children
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: Gay Dads are Close to their Adult Children

In this installment of the BabyMoon Family journal club, I review the the first study of adult children of gay fathers to explore associations between timing of sexual orientation disclosure, parent-child relationship quality, and individual well being among adult children. It’s a novel study that has important applications to all queer fathers.

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Science Says: Gay Parents are Better than Straight Parents
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: Gay Parents are Better than Straight Parents

New scientific research shows that gay parents outperform straight parents in terms of health and well-being of the children, coparenting, and the overall dynamics of the family. In our first BabyMoon Family journal club, I review the study in this article.

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