Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Bonding with Your Unborn Baby from the Other Side of the World

Bonding with your unborn baby is especially challenging for international intended parents. However, we live in the 21st century and survived a global pandemic. Our lives have never been more remote-friendly, so it’s easier than ever for queer IPs to bond with their surrogate and unborn baby from the other side of the world. Read here about technology and options for you to enjoy and be as present as possible during your pregnancy.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

It’s a Surrogate Rematch with a Couple!

After matching and unmatching with an amazing surrogate / gestational carrier (GC), we have rematched! In this article, I review questions to ask potential matches. I also discuss my own personal experience matching with a GC who has an incredibly supportive husband, and how I think all intended parents (IPs) should view their GCs partner on their journey.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

We Matched with a Gestational Carrier!

We have officially matched with a gestational carrier! This is a momentous and incredible step in our journey to fatherhood. In this article, I will describe the matching process with our agency, the aspects to a gestational carrier (GC) relationship that are important to us, and how I felt the night before and immediately after our first meeting with the GC.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

My Mom Died, and I Didn’t Cry…

My mom died this past week. In this article, I reflect on how my estrangement from her has affected me, the development of my ‘logical’ or chosen family, and how I now view becoming a parents myself through IVF and surrogacy.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Embryonic Olympics: Making Our Embryos for IVF

After over a year of planning, we have our embryos! This article details the stages in this journey, describing the challenges, stress, and results. This was not what we were expecting, but we are thrilled to have completed what I am now calling the Embryonic Olympics.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

My Right Time to Become a Parent

There is no right time to become a parent. I do, however, believe there would have been a wrong time for me to become one. In this article, I discuss my path to parenthood, including why and how I finally feel ready in my 40s to become a father. I don’t think my story is completely unique, and I believe that more and more people will join the ‘old’ parents club in the future.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Struggling to Showcase Ourselves to Potential Gestational Carriers

It is time for our journey to move to the next stage: Matching with a gestational carrier (GC). A key part of this process involves us writing a letter to potential GCs, explaining who we are and what we are looking for in a relationship. It’s really just a first impression, but it has implications for our journey as well as our child for the rest of his/her/their life. No pressure :)

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Contemplating Life, Death, and Divorce while Reviewing Our Egg Donor Contract

Our journey to fatherhood continues with our latest milestone: The egg donor contract. This contract brought up a lot of interesting topics for my husband and me. We had to contemplate our own mortality, relationship, and future in a way that we haven’t yet. In this article, I reflect on this experience to share it with other queer intended dads.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Waiting Game of Having a Baby Through IVF and Surrogacy

Having a baby through IVF and surrogacy as a queer man is a marathon, not a sprint. In this article, I describe the first 1.5 years of my husband’s and my journey thus far. There have been some amazing highs, but there have also been a number of long periods of waiting. Focusing on the journey, not the destination, is one of the goals of BabyMoon Family, and one that I hope to emulate on my own journey to fatherhood.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

As Alabama Essentially Bans IVF, My Husband and I Write a Thank You Letter to Our Egg Donor

The Alabama Supreme Court has taken a huge step in essentially banning IVF in the state by stating that embryos are ‘children.’ This comes at a time when my husband and I are continuing our journey to fatherhood through IVF and surrogacy in California, and we are drafting a heartfelt thank you letter to our egg donor. This juxtaposition highlights the political, social, scientific divide we have in our country and the world at the moment. What is the way forward? For BabyMoon Family and I, it is to fight for gay, bi, queer men to have access to the science that allows them to build the rainbow families of their dreams.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

How to Navigate Picking an Egg Donor

What’s it like picking an egg donor? This article is about the challenges and process that my husband and I have undertaken in approaching our selection of an egg donor. Choosing an egg donor is an exciting and important step in anyone’s journey to fatherhood through IVF and surrogacy, and I hope this article is helpful for anyone embarking on this stage.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Beginning of Our Surrogacy Journey

My husband and I are currently pursing IVF and surrogacy in California while living in Sweden. This is the first of what will be many articles detailing our journey. In this article, I discuss all the major decision points for the process, as I believe it is important to have a full understanding and a complete perspective as to the type of journey you want to have before embarking on it. This article provides an overview of all the major decisions and team members you will need to involve in your own journey to gay fatherhood through surrogacy.

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