Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Anticipation for ‘The Modern Family Show’ in London

This weekend, I am thrilled to be attending ‘The Modern Family Show’ in London, which is a unique conference that offers educational content on all types of rainbow family creation. Some of the topics include: In vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), surrogacy, fostering, co-parenting, fertility preservation, solo parenting, and egg/sperm donation. If you are interested in attending, read more and use the BabyMoon Family discount link in the article. I hope to see you there!

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Embryonic Olympics: Making Our Embryos for IVF

After over a year of planning, we have our embryos! This article details the stages in this journey, describing the challenges, stress, and results. This was not what we were expecting, but we are thrilled to have completed what I am now calling the Embryonic Olympics.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Let’s Talk About ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)

My husband and I are about to make embryos, and our clinic will be using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) as the procedure for fertilizing the eggs with our sperm. Because of that, I wanted to do a review of ICSI, covering what it is, how it works, who is it for, and how this all measures up with our own reproductive journey.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Navigating Fertility Clinic Success Rates in the United States

Are you starting your journey through assisted reproduction and overwhelmed with how to choose a fertility clinic? After all, how do you know which clinics are ‘good?’ Does ‘good’ to you mean how many procedure they do in a year, or is it more about their success rates? I recently discovered that the U.S. government has a law that requires the approximately 500 fertility clinics in the country to report their data on the patients they work with, the procedures they do, an the success of these procedures in a single database that is curated by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In this article, I review the database, explain how to approach it, discuss what is missing - specifically for queer intended parents - and share my plans for a more queer-friendly database.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): Essential Questions and Answers

Intrauterine insemination (IUI). What is it? Who is it for? How much does it cost? How well does it work? How does it compare to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and intracervical insemination (ICI)? So many fertility acronyms, and this article has them all and all the answers to important questions about IUI.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Contemplating Life, Death, and Divorce while Reviewing Our Egg Donor Contract

Our journey to fatherhood continues with our latest milestone: The egg donor contract. This contract brought up a lot of interesting topics for my husband and me. We had to contemplate our own mortality, relationship, and future in a way that we haven’t yet. In this article, I reflect on this experience to share it with other queer intended dads.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Waiting Game of Having a Baby Through IVF and Surrogacy

Having a baby through IVF and surrogacy as a queer man is a marathon, not a sprint. In this article, I describe the first 1.5 years of my husband’s and my journey thus far. There have been some amazing highs, but there have also been a number of long periods of waiting. Focusing on the journey, not the destination, is one of the goals of BabyMoon Family, and one that I hope to emulate on my own journey to fatherhood.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

I am Writing a Book about IVF and Surrogacy for Queer Men

I am writing a book about IVF and surrogacy for queer men. None exists, and it’s time we have one. In this article, I draft a Table of Contents based on articles I have written, and then I highlight missing content that could be written to fill out the book. Read through and see if there are any topics that are missing or that you would like to have more of in the book.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

As Alabama Essentially Bans IVF, My Husband and I Write a Thank You Letter to Our Egg Donor

The Alabama Supreme Court has taken a huge step in essentially banning IVF in the state by stating that embryos are ‘children.’ This comes at a time when my husband and I are continuing our journey to fatherhood through IVF and surrogacy in California, and we are drafting a heartfelt thank you letter to our egg donor. This juxtaposition highlights the political, social, scientific divide we have in our country and the world at the moment. What is the way forward? For BabyMoon Family and I, it is to fight for gay, bi, queer men to have access to the science that allows them to build the rainbow families of their dreams.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

10 Questions to Discuss before Pursuing Surrogacy (Part 2)

My husband and I are on our first journey to fatherhood through surrogacy. This article (Part 2 of 2, see below for Part 1) suggests questions that any queer man should try and answer before starting the process of surrogacy. It’s a long journey, but if you think what is important to you and the creation of your family, it can be an even more enjoyable journey.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Queer Future Science: Same Sex Couples Could Have a Child Genetically Related to Both Parents

Recent experiments with mice have allowed two male mice to have genetically related offspring. This process is called in vitro gametogenesis, or IVG. This article discusses how IVG works, the results of the IVG experiments in mice, when IVG could be used in humans, and what this could mean for same sex couples and assisted reproductive technology (ART) in the future.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

How to Navigate Picking an Egg Donor

What’s it like picking an egg donor? This article is about the challenges and process that my husband and I have undertaken in approaching our selection of an egg donor. Choosing an egg donor is an exciting and important step in anyone’s journey to fatherhood through IVF and surrogacy, and I hope this article is helpful for anyone embarking on this stage.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Navigating and Negotiating a U.S. Hospital Bill for International Intended Parents

Many international intended parents (IPs) pay their hospital bill for their newborn in the United States with cash. What can they expect the bill to cost? How do they navigate the bill and negotiate with the hospital? Are there resources to help with this process? All this and more in this original BabyMoon Family article.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

What is it Like to Undergo Egg Donation?

What is it like to donate your eggs or ovaries? This article aims to describe this process for women, and also to provide more understanding and empathy for intended parents (IPs). It’s important to know medical details and challenges that women go through in order to make the incredible donation of ovaries.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

How Close are We to Becoming ‘The Pod Generation’ and How Would This Affect Queer Intended Dads?

The ‘Pod Generation’ is a movie that dives into the not-to-distant future to explore what it would be like to have a child through an artificial womb, or pod. How close are we to this technology? In this article, I dive into the most recent science to see when (not if, because they will be developed) artificial wombs would become a reality. It’s an amazing field of research, and artificial wombs would be a game changer for queer men having babies.

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