The Mattachine Family:  The Rainbow Family Movie Everyone Must See
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Mattachine Family:  The Rainbow Family Movie Everyone Must See

The Mattachine Family is a new queer classic film. It addresses the intricacies and challenges of queer people starting rainbow families in a beautiful and engaging way. While I have critiques regarding how surrogacy for queer men is portrayed, I believe this is an incredible film that every LGBTQ+ person considering staring a family should see and enjoy.

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Queer Dad Social Media Influencers in Brazil
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Queer Dad Social Media Influencers in Brazil

This article reviews a recent publication in the Science & Public Health Magazine of Brazil, which discusses gay dad social media influencers in Brazil. The two rainbow families profiled pursued fatherhood through adoption or assisted reproductive technology (ART). They have overcome tremendous cultural stereotypes and prejudice to share their stories, and their experience and leadership in the face of adversity are shared with queer fathers in the United States and around the world.

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Discussing the Primal Wound Theory and Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Discussing the Primal Wound Theory and Surrogacy

This Primal Wound Theory has been a topic related to adoption for years. Are children raised away from their biological mothers always doomed to suffer deep-seated emotional pain? And, given the differences between adoption and gestational surrogacy, is the Primal Wound Theory applicable to children born via surrogacy?

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From Stonewall to Surrogacy: The LGBTQ+ Community and Family Planning
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

From Stonewall to Surrogacy: The LGBTQ+ Community and Family Planning

More and more LGBTQ+ people are planning on having or growing their families. In this article, I review the latest statistics and trends for rainbow families around the world. There are several ways to have children as a queer person, and surrogacy is one option that is growing amongst queer men. Read to find out more.

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