Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Research Describes U.S. Women Who Become Gestational Carriers

There is little research on the women who become gestational carriers or surrogates. What is their life like? What is their educational background? Do they work? Do they keep in touch with the intended parents (IPs)? Why do they become gestational carriers? New research attempts to answer these questions, and this BabyMoon Family article reviews the results of the study and discusses implications for future research and policies related to surrogacy.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Are Gestational Carriers at Increased Risk of Pregnancy Complications?

As a physician, clinical research, and intended gay dad, I am thrilled whenever there is a new study on gestational carriers (GCs). However, sometimes news articles sensationalize medical results, taking the conclusions out of context. In this article, I want to review a recent study on medical complications in GC pregnancies to highlight what the study results are actually showing, and what we can learn from this research.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Introduction to Surrogacy for Queer Men

The BabyMoon Family’s version of ‘Surrogacy 101.’ An overview of IVF and surrogacy for queer men, answering questions like ‘What is Surrogacy?’ ‘Where to Go Through Surrogacy?’ and ‘How to Go Through Surrogacy?’ Start your own journey to fatherhood as a queer man here.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: Being a GC During the Pandemic was Very Hard

This continuation of the BabyMoon Family journal club explores the largest sample of gestational carriers (GCs) and investigates their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. What was it like to be a GC during the pandemic, and what can be done to improve the experience going forward? This article discusses the results and implications of this first-of-its-kind study.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

A Gestational Carrier is the Healthy, Perfect Needle in a Haystack

Gestational carriers (GCs) are the limiting factor for any surrogacy journey. They are incredible, and they are also incredibly rare. What are the qualifications required to become a GC? And, using these criteria, about how many American women would qualify to become a GC? We go through the numbers in this article to come up with a general rough estimate of the number of women who would qualify and want to be a GC.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Why Do Women Become Gestational Carriers?

Gestational carriers (GCs) are incredible. However, who are the women who do this? This article attempts to describe the persona and motivations for these amazing women to become GCs. Queer men would not be able to become biological parents without them, and so we are forever indebted to their partnership on this journey.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

What is it Like to Undergo Egg Donation?

What is it like to donate your eggs or ovaries? This article aims to describe this process for women, and also to provide more understanding and empathy for intended parents (IPs). It’s important to know medical details and challenges that women go through in order to make the incredible donation of ovaries.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Surrogacy and Its Ancient History

Surrogacy has roots thousands of years deep in human history. This article takes us through Biblical times, ancient Egypt, Hammurabi, and South Asian religious beliefs to discuss how assisted reproduction and surrogacy have evolved throughout human history.

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Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Discussing the Primal Wound Theory and Surrogacy

This Primal Wound Theory has been a topic related to adoption for years. Are children raised away from their biological mothers always doomed to suffer deep-seated emotional pain? And, given the differences between adoption and gestational surrogacy, is the Primal Wound Theory applicable to children born via surrogacy?

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