Procreative Consciousness and Family Planning of Swedish Queer Men
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Procreative Consciousness and Family Planning of Swedish Queer Men

‘Procreative consciousness’ is the state of mental preparedness that queer men have to achieve before actually planning for fatherhood. This article dives into the procreative consciousness of queer Swedish men and their non-linear journeys to fatherhood, as discussed in a research publication from 2020. Surrogacy in Sweden is not permitted. The discussion of how this impacts queer men, the influence of the Swedish and international media on surrogacy, and the role that BabyMoon Family can plan in helping queer men in Sweden and across Europe pursue their dreams of rainbow families are all discussed.

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Science Says: International Gestational Surrogacy in the United States is Increasing
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: International Gestational Surrogacy in the United States is Increasing

In this third installment of the BabyMoon Family Journal Club, we review a recently published study on the trend of international intended parents (IPs) working with gestational carriers (GCs) in the United States between 2014 and 2020. What are the demographics of these international IPs? What does their journey look like compared to domestic IPs? What countries are they coming from? These are some of the interesting questions that are answered and discussed in this manuscript review.

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10 Questions to Discuss Before Pursuing Surrogacy (Part 1)
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

10 Questions to Discuss Before Pursuing Surrogacy (Part 1)

My husband and I are on our first journey to fatherhood through surrogacy. This article suggests questions that any queer man should try and answer before starting the process of surrogacy. It’s a long journey, but if you think what is important to you and the creation of your family, it can be an even more enjoyable journey.

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