The Mattachine Family:  The Rainbow Family Movie Everyone Must See
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Mattachine Family:  The Rainbow Family Movie Everyone Must See

The Mattachine Family is a new queer classic film. It addresses the intricacies and challenges of queer people starting rainbow families in a beautiful and engaging way. While I have critiques regarding how surrogacy for queer men is portrayed, I believe this is an incredible film that every LGBTQ+ person considering staring a family should see and enjoy.

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The Waiting Game of Having a Baby Through IVF and Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Waiting Game of Having a Baby Through IVF and Surrogacy

Having a baby through IVF and surrogacy as a queer man is a marathon, not a sprint. In this article, I describe the first 1.5 years of my husband’s and my journey thus far. There have been some amazing highs, but there have also been a number of long periods of waiting. Focusing on the journey, not the destination, is one of the goals of BabyMoon Family, and one that I hope to emulate on my own journey to fatherhood.

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I am Writing a Book about IVF and Surrogacy for Queer Men
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

I am Writing a Book about IVF and Surrogacy for Queer Men

I am writing a book about IVF and surrogacy for queer men. None exists, and it’s time we have one. In this article, I draft a Table of Contents based on articles I have written, and then I highlight missing content that could be written to fill out the book. Read through and see if there are any topics that are missing or that you would like to have more of in the book.

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10 Questions to Discuss before Pursuing Surrogacy (Part 2)
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

10 Questions to Discuss before Pursuing Surrogacy (Part 2)

My husband and I are on our first journey to fatherhood through surrogacy. This article (Part 2 of 2, see below for Part 1) suggests questions that any queer man should try and answer before starting the process of surrogacy. It’s a long journey, but if you think what is important to you and the creation of your family, it can be an even more enjoyable journey.

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10 Questions to Discuss Before Pursuing Surrogacy (Part 1)
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

10 Questions to Discuss Before Pursuing Surrogacy (Part 1)

My husband and I are on our first journey to fatherhood through surrogacy. This article suggests questions that any queer man should try and answer before starting the process of surrogacy. It’s a long journey, but if you think what is important to you and the creation of your family, it can be an even more enjoyable journey.

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The ‘People’s Pontiff’ is Out of Touch with the People Regarding Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The ‘People’s Pontiff’ is Out of Touch with the People Regarding Surrogacy

I am a gay physician who is pursuing surrogacy with my husband, and I was also raised Catholic. The Pope’s condemnation of surrogacy for assisted reproduction this week affected me more than I would have expected. In this article, I discuss the Church’s historic antagonism with science, the Church’s focus on reproductive technology, and how far removed the Pope’s statements are from the reality of surrogacy in the United States.

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Science Says: Being a GC During the Pandemic was Very Hard
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: Being a GC During the Pandemic was Very Hard

This continuation of the BabyMoon Family journal club explores the largest sample of gestational carriers (GCs) and investigates their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. What was it like to be a GC during the pandemic, and what can be done to improve the experience going forward? This article discusses the results and implications of this first-of-its-kind study.

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A Gestational Carrier is the Healthy, Perfect Needle in a Haystack
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

A Gestational Carrier is the Healthy, Perfect Needle in a Haystack

Gestational carriers (GCs) are the limiting factor for any surrogacy journey. They are incredible, and they are also incredibly rare. What are the qualifications required to become a GC? And, using these criteria, about how many American women would qualify to become a GC? We go through the numbers in this article to come up with a general rough estimate of the number of women who would qualify and want to be a GC.

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Ireland is Taking a Modern Regulatory Approach to International Surrogacy and the European Union Should Take Note
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Ireland is Taking a Modern Regulatory Approach to International Surrogacy and the European Union Should Take Note

Ireland is working to propose a new piece of legislation that will regulate international surrogacy for Irish IPs. These recommendations come from the Irish Joint Committee on International Surrogacy, and in this article, I will review the positive and challenging aspects of the recommendations, as well as discuss the potential implications for international surrogacy in Ireland, the EU, and the world.

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Navigating and Negotiating a U.S. Hospital Bill for International Intended Parents
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Navigating and Negotiating a U.S. Hospital Bill for International Intended Parents

Many international intended parents (IPs) pay their hospital bill for their newborn in the United States with cash. What can they expect the bill to cost? How do they navigate the bill and negotiate with the hospital? Are there resources to help with this process? All this and more in this original BabyMoon Family article.

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Science Says: Gay Parents are Better than Straight Parents
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Science Says: Gay Parents are Better than Straight Parents

New scientific research shows that gay parents outperform straight parents in terms of health and well-being of the children, coparenting, and the overall dynamics of the family. In our first BabyMoon Family journal club, I review the study in this article.

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Why Do Women Become Gestational Carriers?
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Why Do Women Become Gestational Carriers?

Gestational carriers (GCs) are incredible. However, who are the women who do this? This article attempts to describe the persona and motivations for these amazing women to become GCs. Queer men would not be able to become biological parents without them, and so we are forever indebted to their partnership on this journey.

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How Close are We to Becoming ‘The Pod Generation’ and How Would This Affect Queer Intended Dads?
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

How Close are We to Becoming ‘The Pod Generation’ and How Would This Affect Queer Intended Dads?

The ‘Pod Generation’ is a movie that dives into the not-to-distant future to explore what it would be like to have a child through an artificial womb, or pod. How close are we to this technology? In this article, I dive into the most recent science to see when (not if, because they will be developed) artificial wombs would become a reality. It’s an amazing field of research, and artificial wombs would be a game changer for queer men having babies.

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Masturbating in a Clinic as a Queer Dad-to-Be
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Masturbating in a Clinic as a Queer Dad-to-Be

Continuing on our personal journey to fatherhood, my husband and I traveled from Stockholm to Los Angeles to our fertility clinic. This article describes the physical exam, lab testing, and all important sperm deposit. What is it like to masturbate in a clinic and give a sperm sample? If you ever wanted to know, read on.

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The Surrogacy Crisis in Greece and How the World Should Respond
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

The Surrogacy Crisis in Greece and How the World Should Respond

The worst thing that could happen with regard to surrogacy has happened in Greece. An IVF clinic and agency has exploited women in Ukraine, Romania, and Georgia. This is horrible. Unfortunately, it is exactly what fuels the anti-surrogacy movement. However, there is a way to perform surrogacy with significant regulations and oversight that leads to a beautiful journey of family creation. Hopefully, the world can move in a positive direction after this Greek scandal and not towards more countries banning surrogacy.

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Will More Queer Parents and Their Children Make the World a Better Place?
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Will More Queer Parents and Their Children Make the World a Better Place?

Queer intended parents (IPs) go through significant financial, emotional, and psychological challenges to have children through surrogacy. They desperately want these children. Given this, will these children grow up to be happier and have a more positive on society as a whole? This phenomenon is not new. After the passing of Roe v Wade in the U.S., children - on average - were more wanted. This led to a decrease in societal issues such as crime. Will the same be true of rainbow families?

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Surrogacy and Its Ancient History
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Surrogacy and Its Ancient History

Surrogacy has roots thousands of years deep in human history. This article takes us through Biblical times, ancient Egypt, Hammurabi, and South Asian religious beliefs to discuss how assisted reproduction and surrogacy have evolved throughout human history.

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ChatGPT Wrote an Article on Gestational Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

ChatGPT Wrote an Article on Gestational Surrogacy

What does ChatGPT know about surrogacy? In this article, I give ChatGPT a prompt regarding gestational surrogacy for queer men. I then share its its output as well as my critical review of the contents. Let’s see what AI knows about surrogacy, and what it can still be taught from humanity and the Internet.

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Discussing the Primal Wound Theory and Surrogacy
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Discussing the Primal Wound Theory and Surrogacy

This Primal Wound Theory has been a topic related to adoption for years. Are children raised away from their biological mothers always doomed to suffer deep-seated emotional pain? And, given the differences between adoption and gestational surrogacy, is the Primal Wound Theory applicable to children born via surrogacy?

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Why Every LGBTQ+ Person — Especially Intended Parents (IPs) — Should be Furious at Italy Right Now
Bryan McColgan, MD Bryan McColgan, MD

Why Every LGBTQ+ Person — Especially Intended Parents (IPs) — Should be Furious at Italy Right Now

Meloni’s right-wing Italian government is doing everything possible to erase current and future rainbow families. There are policies that have already resulted in queer mothers being removed from their children’s birth certificates, essentially removing their rights as a parent. Future steps discussed in this article will make surrogacy done in any country illegal in Italy, essentially preventing queer men from pursuing fatherhood through this option. Read more and be supportive of our Italian rainbow brethren during this horrific time.

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